Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New Music Wednesday!

I don't know what it is about these songs that always manages to pull at the damn heartstrings.

And guess what?!?! Both songs make me think of the same person in a bitter sweet sort of way. It's weird. You can ask me why and you can ask me who...and if I'm feeling charitable I may tell you.

The first one is all hopefull and sad and happy and depressing all at once. Plus it doesn't hurt that Seal is kinda man-pretty in a non pretty sort of way. As for the second one, there really isn't much in common with Seal. Except maybe they kinda both look the same. And they're both bla...I mean African-American. Wait, is Seal American?


Just listen will ya?!?

1 comment:

NMOS said...


Both good songs, btw.