Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Someone get me a cold compress...

...cuz it's gettin too DANG HOT up in here!

I'm happy being single...

I like not having a boyfriend...

But DAMN! If anyone looks like this dude, or knows of anyone who looks like this dude, and is over the age of 25 (very very important condition) then please give me a call. PLEASE?


if anyone wants to make a date to see this film in November (not because I am obsessed with Twilight...only to see this guy) then shoot me an email and we'll plan it.

OH, and sorry in advance for the disgusting show of giggly girliness. I swear I'm not like this in real life all the time. I've actually been told I'm quite the epitome of cool, calm, and collected.

That said,

OMG, *giggly giggle* Hottie!!!


Cora said...

Yeah, I'll go with you, ~E. And I bet we could talk Callista into going too.

*giggle, giggle*

words...words...words... said...

I think he has a touch of the Downs.