Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stupid iPOD!

So I get home from a very long and uneventful day at work, and all I wanted to do was sync my iPod to my computer to dowload some songs I just purchased and of course, because as it always happens when Im at the end of my patience...

My itunes can't find my stupid library. I double clicked on the icon just like I normally do, then connected my ipod like I normally do and all of a sudden it says this computer isn't authorized for use on my ipod and do I want to erase the ipod to sync it to this one or find a library to use. WTH!?!?! So my options are either downloading and or transferring all 1500 of my songs to a new library again (and I still don't know if I can transfer all the ones I've purchased) or never be able to sync my ipod again?


I've never wanted to throw something out the window as much as I do this very second.

---Update: Not only do I have to retransfer all of my music files into iTunes, and redownload all my purchased stuff...but I also have to re-rip all 50+ of my CDs back into iTUNES!!!! ANNNNDDD. If that isn't enought, there's still no guarantee that the next time I try to sync my ipod back to my computer that it will recognize my ipod.



Cora said...

Egad! I've never heard of an I-pod doing that. Weird. I think I might take that one up with tech support if it were me.

BTW, got your postcard today! :-) I'll be mailing you yours at the end of the week!

Tom said...

I have a love hate relationship with technology. I can't stand it when stuff like that happens. I'd offer suggestions for you but I'm technologically challenged.

Jay said...

Oh man, that's no fun at all. I stay away from apple stuff because I believe they do it on purpose.

words...words...words... said...

This just happened to my iTunes. I opened it up and there weren't any songs in it. I fixed it by pretending like I was adding new songs but just adding the iTunes music folder.

Good luck!

Sid said...

Been there. Had to have my iPOD fixed.

Scope said...

Rarely use my iPod, but if it tried that crap, I would go postal.

I have never bought a song on iTunes (freak, I know) but if it wanted me to re-rip my 1,500 CD's again? Welcome to Zunesville is what I would be saying.

(And yes, I have ripped the CD's twice. Back in the day, I did it at too low of a quality, and so once I got more storage, I went back and redid them. It took abut a month, doing them three or four nights a week, ripping from both CD drives at the same time.)

Yeah, but if you've still physically got the files on the hard drive, you shouldn't have to re-rip.

Sounds like a job for Google.

Some Guy said...

I feel for you, E. That would drive me crazy!

Gwen said...

Ugh. I have no ideas for you but I feel for you.

Matt said...

I find pleasure in cursing too. It kind of makes everything a little better.

erin said...

I just read this post after having a conversation with my boyfriend about how I need a IPod for Mother's Day. There's no stereo in my far at the back of the house kitchen...
I'm reconsidering that now...Apple can blame you for the devastating loss of this one sale.

Fancy Schmancy said...

Don't you love how technology is supposed to make our lives easier, but it just makes it harder to fix when things go wrong?

Scope said...

Please be aware that this certainly a Microsoft issue.

If commercials have taught me anything, it is that Apple products just work, never flake out, cannot get hacked, can never have a virus or malware, and save the planet by using less electricity.

So if it's not MS to blame, it must be your fault, because Apple products are 111% perfect. (The spare 11% trnasfers from your iLife to your MyLife)

Got your card yesterday. Will mail mine shortly.

Girl Interrupted said...

Oh yick! :( What a nightmare.

I've had issues with mine (I'm typing quietly so it won't hear me and get offended and then do something evil by way of revenge) but nothing like the problem you're having. Sorry I can't offer any advice ... hope you get it sorted out ok.

*Calls out "I love you, my dear, clever, little pink iPod"*

You know, just in case it gets any ideas :/

Felisa said...

That really, really sucks.
That happened to me too and that's the reason why I no longer use mp3 players... Technology is the bane of my existence.

Chris said...

I think if that happened to me, I'd no longer have an ipod that was in one piece anyway, so there'd be no "re ripping" involved.