"What better way to honor Breast Cancer Awareness month than to show off the pink and boob? Now if you'll excuse me, I'll just gouge out my eyes with this rusty spoon."
On a less disturbing note...but strangely enough also about boobs and the color pink *shudder*...please visit Scope's blog! He's got an inspired and clever and oh so wonderful (if I do say so myself) charity event going on for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
That would be THIS month for those of you who didn't know.
Read the rules, consider entering...and remember, it's for a good cause!
And if your perky lady muffins (or your lady's perky lady muffins) brings a smile to some lonely guy out there, then that's just a BONUS!
Who would go to a store like that?
Wait did you actually see that and take the shot?
Regardless, it is pretty shocking.
There is a girl at my gym that looks far worse than that, and show-horns herself into a tiny bikini top. She still thinks she is bringing it...
Dr.Z: apparently she does
Mo: Nope, I got it from a site called peopleofwalmart.com and even if I did see that in person, I'd be too scared to take a shot. She could CRUSH me!
SkyDad: It's all about personal perspective. And...at least she makes an appearance at the gym eh?
ugh!! I think I just threw up a little...
Who talk that picture of my old lady? That's her 'Sunday Best' by the way.
~E, thank you for the idea, and your entry. Any of your readers are more than welcome to maker their money makers be actual MONEY MAKERS for a good cause.
Thanks for the shout out ~E. I just posted it on TBY
Wow. That is the grossest thing I've seen all day. And I read a blog about clumpy periods.
I heart Dr. Zibbs.
Seriously, great idea for a great cause.
Btw, I posted a blog on Oct 5th about Breast Cancer Awareness this month. I have a bunch of informative links on there if you or anyone is interested.
ps-Hope you feel better soon. I thought you'd be all well by now since Sunday's game.
So I'm guessing we have to take pictures of our boobs to win this competition? Hmmm, sounds just like the type of thing I'd take part in.
Also first time I've ever watched your videos. You're gorgeous and I love the way you speak. Anyway, thinking of doing a vlog too.
~E thanks for the shout out, and you are the first one to come thru with your photo, so Cha-CHING! to you. $5 for breast cancer.
EWE! Gross!
Check out this study - http://www.wholefitness.com/looking-breasts.html. Apparently staring at breasts for a few minutes a day can cut the risk of heart disease and stroke in half for men. Or as you show - it can lead to a heart-attack.
Forget that Dr. Zibbs! He gave my wife a free breast exam just "because it is breast cancer awareness month" and then I find out he really isn't even an M.D. He's a PhD for pete's sake!
Poor thing in the Wal Mart photo...
thinkin she's all sexy...
Oh. My. God. Was she blind? Tell me she was blind. There's just no other excuse.
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