Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm Going For It!!!!!! Masters Degree. In Secondary Education. YES!!!! Who knows? It might eventually lead to that Doctorate I've been pining for. But *stop* step at a time. I don't want to jinx myself. Especially since I've just started registering for all the prereq tests and lining up favors from friends to write me letters of recomendation.

Hottie High School Science teacher?? I think that's achievable, hehehe.

It took me what? 3 years to figure out that no matter how much I love it, I DO NOT want to spend the rest of my life hunched over a microscope in a sterile room talking to bacteria and viruses. No sir! I'd rather inspire others during the most impressionable time in their lives to spend the rest of THEIR lives hunched over a microscope in a sterile room talking to whatever happened to grow in their petri dish. ;)

Wish me luck?

1 comment:

Kate said...

Eina, just so you know, you wouldn't be following the dress code if you wore something like that to school. Sorry! :p