I did a video a while back answering the questions that people ask me thru this blog or my YouTube Channel. I had been collecting new questions since then and was going to do another video but decided against it since I'm still a bit squeamish when it comes to the makeup thing and I don't want to appear in another video without my face on. Maybe next week Ill start on the Halloween stuff again but for right now, my face is kinda liking being able to breathe.
Anyway, here we go... your questions answered:
1) What's your real first name?
My real first name is really hard to pronounce if you don't hear it first (it's Norwegian) and so for the longest time I have just gone by my first initial which is E. My cousins call me E. My friends call me E. So for all intents and purposes, my first name is E.
2) Are you single?
Yes I am, but I'm not looking. My last relationship was really serious...or at least it was serious to me and it didn't work out...so I'm kind of hinky about pursuing something again.
3) Are you in the military?
HAHAHAHAHAH Nooo! (shakes my head adamantly) I would probably get kicked out of boot camp my first week for whining! This question came from my 20Qs video , but the shirt I was wearing and the dogtags I pulled from my desk were both given to me by a friend who is in the Navy.
3) What did you mean about having a weird body shape?
Again, a question from my 20Qs video...where I said something like my body shape is hard to dress or something. What I meant was I have a very unproportionate/unproportional body. Parts of me are larger than you would expect on somebody as short and little as I am. For the most part on videos all you can see is my shoulders, head, and neck and most people assume I'm your standard skinny little asian girl. Trust me, I'm not.
4) Do you have any kids?
5) Where in California do you live?
I don't recall ever saying that I lived in California! In fact I'm pretty sure I've mentioned several times that I live in Seattle. Perhaps the asker of that question was confused by me mentioning that both my brother and best friend and multiple cousins and family members reside in Cali. I wish I did live there tho! It's getting downright cold and nasty here in the Pacific Northwest!
6) Can I join your fantasy football league?
Yeah I'd love for you to join my league except you're about 4 weeks late...so let me know before next season starts and I'll send you the info if you're still interested. P.S. I'm undeafeated so far 3-0. Awesome.
7) What is your accent?
Uhm I didn't think I had an accent so...you tell me! I was born in the Philippines and then moved to the United States when I was 9. But before that, I went to a Catholic School were 2 out of every 5 nun-teachers were British. I don't think I have a Filipino accent but maybe I do, I don't know. Maybe a West Coast/Pacific Northwest Accent mixed with a Filipino twang and infused with a slight British-nun flavor for good measure? LOL!
8) Your brothers don't look anything like you...are they Chinese or Mexican?
Ok...at first I was like "wow, really?" at the person who asked this. But then I thought about it, and it's true we could all be adopted and be different ethnicities. Here's the deal, the premier bro-han and I are both 3/4 Filipino and 1/4 Chinese. The reason he looks so much darker and Chinese-ier than I do is because he lives in California where he actually sees the sun. (and probably because I try my best to stay out of the sun as much as possible...no reason to look old and wrinkly before I'm actually old and wrinkly eh?) The youngest bro-han is our half brother who is 3/4 Filipino, 1/4 Spanish. We look the most alike because we both live in Seattle and are pale from lack of tanning oportunities. None of us really look like each other until we smile...in which case we all have our mother's smile and in most cases her dimple as well!
9) "your f-in hot, wanna meet up?"
10) How can you be scared of heights and yet have pictures of people standing below you in [lighthouse] steps?
This was a question from my vacation videos. Those pics were not from my camera, they were from my brother's. He took the pictures and I stole them from him. The closest I came to either the Astoria Observation Tower and the Yaquina Bay Lighthouse was about 50 yards from the entrance! :)
Ok all, keep those questions coming. I think Scope over yonder at Scope-Tech is doing the same thing for his 300th post so go snoop around and ask him stuff too!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
You look Gorgeous dahling...absolutely gorgeous!
Every woman...and I do mean EVERY WOMAN, regardless of what they look like, have bad days. Days when they feel the ugliest, shapeless, lumpy, bumpy excuse for a female that ever did trod the earth. And it isn't just that we feel that way towards the men who may have the sorry experience of laying eyes on us... We feel that way towards everyone. Men, Women, little Children...but most of all towards ourselves.
Raging hottie, ugly duckling, studious nerd...whatever you are. I can guarantee you, your day will come.
This particular day just happens to be such for a friend of mine. She called me up worried because she had just recently started dating a guy and was afraid that the "next step" was close. She obsessed to me over a 24 minute conversation every one of her insecurities from having a double chin when she looks down to her dress size to each tiny stretch mark and even to the fact that her "feet are a lot colder than the rest of her body".
The funny thing about it is, I'm pretty sure I have had the same conversation with a lot of friends with each of us switching roles between the doubt dispeller and the insecuree. To her I gave the secret that all women strive to embrace (however hard it may be sometimes to believe it yourself). And to you, my lovely readers I share the same secret.
This was sent to me a looong time ago and I honestly can't even remember who sent it to me and from where. All I can tell you is that I did not write this (though I wish I had the confidence and the intelligence to come up with this myself).
I hope this helps you guys out as much as it has helped me.
[Warning: adult language]
"Let go of your hang-ups! I know it's easier said than done, but fake it til' you make it, baby. Secondly, if you choose your partners wisely, you should never have any reason to feel insecure about your body. There is someone to appreciate every unique flavor in the world. Sure, some guys won’t like your body, but other guys wouldn’t like it if you looked like a Playmate. There are so many men out there that finding one who worships you and all your curves or lack thereof should not be a problem. And when you’re naked with a guy who has a rock-hard boner and can’t get enough of you, you’ll have no reason to feel insecure. If you think you’re hot, I guarantee men will too Besides, guys don’t give a shit. They’re just happy to have a naked girl in bed. Life is too short to waste time not getting laid."
Raging hottie, ugly duckling, studious nerd...whatever you are. I can guarantee you, your day will come.
This particular day just happens to be such for a friend of mine. She called me up worried because she had just recently started dating a guy and was afraid that the "next step" was close. She obsessed to me over a 24 minute conversation every one of her insecurities from having a double chin when she looks down to her dress size to each tiny stretch mark and even to the fact that her "feet are a lot colder than the rest of her body".
The funny thing about it is, I'm pretty sure I have had the same conversation with a lot of friends with each of us switching roles between the doubt dispeller and the insecuree. To her I gave the secret that all women strive to embrace (however hard it may be sometimes to believe it yourself). And to you, my lovely readers I share the same secret.
This was sent to me a looong time ago and I honestly can't even remember who sent it to me and from where. All I can tell you is that I did not write this (though I wish I had the confidence and the intelligence to come up with this myself).
I hope this helps you guys out as much as it has helped me.
[Warning: adult language]
"Let go of your hang-ups! I know it's easier said than done, but fake it til' you make it, baby. Secondly, if you choose your partners wisely, you should never have any reason to feel insecure about your body. There is someone to appreciate every unique flavor in the world. Sure, some guys won’t like your body, but other guys wouldn’t like it if you looked like a Playmate. There are so many men out there that finding one who worships you and all your curves or lack thereof should not be a problem. And when you’re naked with a guy who has a rock-hard boner and can’t get enough of you, you’ll have no reason to feel insecure. If you think you’re hot, I guarantee men will too Besides, guys don’t give a shit. They’re just happy to have a naked girl in bed. Life is too short to waste time not getting laid."
I'm Every Woman
Thursday, September 24, 2009
So I guess I'm on Twitter now.
You don't have to follow me if you don't want to but if you do, you can find me here:
Really, I only signed up because I wanted to follow people (and yes J.J and Dr. Zibbs...since I had your email addy's, I found you!) and I couldn't do it without an account myself. If you have a twitter, send me your link and Ill promptly follow k?
Don't expect me to update that thing all the time tho.
Stupid peer pressure!
You don't have to follow me if you don't want to but if you do, you can find me here:
Really, I only signed up because I wanted to follow people (and yes J.J and Dr. Zibbs...since I had your email addy's, I found you!) and I couldn't do it without an account myself. If you have a twitter, send me your link and Ill promptly follow k?
Don't expect me to update that thing all the time tho.
Stupid peer pressure!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Uhm...Thanks! I think...
Just got home from the gym...
About a mile and some odd into my 2 mile run, the guy who was on the treadmill behind mine came up next to me and motioned for me to take my headphones off. So, I did.
He says: "Just wanted to thank you for the motivation"...and walks off towards the free weights.
Initial reaction? *smile* *blush*
Now Im thinking...maybe he was thanking me for giving him the motivation to keep on running cuz the sight of my unsightly jiggly bum running in front of him scared him to oblivion...
Right in front of the gym...don't worry, I was stopped. Not about to risk my life to get a lousy sunset pic for my blog! ;) -->

Sunday, September 20, 2009
WHO's YO MAMA!!!!!!?????
That would be ME betches!!!
Fact: My QB Hasselbeck gets injured just before half time, out the rest of the game
Fact: Half my starting dst is injured going into the game
Fact: One of my WRs gets me one lousy point for an average of one lousy point in two weeks
Fact: RB Barber gets injured in the 3rd Quarter
FACT: I STILL eke out a win in my fantasy matchup!
GOD I love football!!!!!
That would give me a 2-0 record (which is better than the Seahawks unfortunately).
Take that you lousy stinky mean drooly little boys! *PLLLLLLPPPPTTTTT*

and more Football...
No Silly! I didn't forget...
Yes folks, the Halloween Tutorial Series is still goin on...I haven't forgotten the requests, I've just been a bit sidelined.
If you must know (and really I know you don't care and barely even noticed...I would just like to vent) I was getting ready to do a Football Fan face paint look for the Halloween Series and bought a bunch of grease paint and face painting supplies at a local costume shop. I was playing around with them last week trying to figure out how to draw a Seahawks logo on myself (backwards in front of a mirror...).
Looking back on it now, I SHOULD have read the directions first. And I SHOULD have performed an allergy test on my arm. And I SHOULD have known better than to slather foreign goop on my face when even expensive ass lotions and creams and facials make me break out in a rash.
...do you see yet where I'm going with this?
Well.... I broke out in a rash. A big, nasty, red, itchy, flaky rash. All over my face. STUPID grease paint!!!! Luckily I still had the cream the dermatologist prescribed for me the last time I broke out in a rash...
So I've just been chillin, went a whole 6 days with no makeup on just to give my face time to breathe and recover. As soon as I'm able to look at my makeup cabinet without the feeling of fear striking my tender heart, I'll resume with the Halloween stuff.
For football news...I'm not looking forward to tomorrow's games. Half my starting defense team (NY Giants) is injured...at least they were when I changed my lineup a couple days ago. Plus one of my wide receivers has an injured hamstring. Lovely.
Hope everyone is doing well! I'm gonna go stalk all your blogs now and leave my nasty little bits all over your pages...
And by nasty little bits I mean "comments". DUH!
If you must know (and really I know you don't care and barely even noticed...I would just like to vent) I was getting ready to do a Football Fan face paint look for the Halloween Series and bought a bunch of grease paint and face painting supplies at a local costume shop. I was playing around with them last week trying to figure out how to draw a Seahawks logo on myself (backwards in front of a mirror...).
Looking back on it now, I SHOULD have read the directions first. And I SHOULD have performed an allergy test on my arm. And I SHOULD have known better than to slather foreign goop on my face when even expensive ass lotions and creams and facials make me break out in a rash.
...do you see yet where I'm going with this?
Well.... I broke out in a rash. A big, nasty, red, itchy, flaky rash. All over my face. STUPID grease paint!!!! Luckily I still had the cream the dermatologist prescribed for me the last time I broke out in a rash...
So I've just been chillin, went a whole 6 days with no makeup on just to give my face time to breathe and recover. As soon as I'm able to look at my makeup cabinet without the feeling of fear striking my tender heart, I'll resume with the Halloween stuff.
For football news...I'm not looking forward to tomorrow's games. Half my starting defense team (NY Giants) is injured...at least they were when I changed my lineup a couple days ago. Plus one of my wide receivers has an injured hamstring. Lovely.
Hope everyone is doing well! I'm gonna go stalk all your blogs now and leave my nasty little bits all over your pages...
And by nasty little bits I mean "comments". DUH!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Fantasy Football [Week 1]
I know a couple of you (at least) is waiting to hear whether I experienced massive failure or ultimate victory after the first week of Fantasy Football.
The results???
101 to 87 to be precise.
PLUS, I'm ranked 4th in the league now.
Not horrendous for my first showing eh? ;)
God, I love football!
I know a couple of you (at least) is waiting to hear whether I experienced massive failure or ultimate victory after the first week of Fantasy Football.
The results???
101 to 87 to be precise.
PLUS, I'm ranked 4th in the league now.
Not horrendous for my first showing eh? ;)
God, I love football!
and more Football...
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Halloween Video #1: Egyptian Queen
Ok, so QUEEN maybe overstating it... How about Egyptian Slave Maiden? LOL.
Anyway, the masses have spoken and this is the first video in the Halloween Series 2009. We are starting off with a bang!
This video is an hour's worth of work condensed down into 6 minutes! Yeah...I kinda feel gipped of glory and martyrdom but what can ya do? How about you guys just leave me wonderful comments telling me how impressed you are? hahaha.
If you do decide to try this look, it should only realistically take 30 minutes or less. It takes longer when you have to do it on camera, plus I'm including the time it took to straighten and style my hair (I didn't wanna go out and buy a wig). Also, I list down what I used just so you guys have a reference. You do not have to use exactly what I did, use what you have!
Hope you guys like watching!
Focus: Eyes and Accesories (wig, dress, jewelry)
Makeup Used (in order of appearance):
-Clinique Perfectly Real Foundation in #14
-Coastal Scents Pigment in Opan Tan
-Rimmel Soft Eye Kohl in Stormy Gray
-Almay Liquid Liner in Black Pearl
-Coastal Scents Pigment in Black
-Almay Pencil Liner in Black Pearl
-Coastal Scents Pigment in Blackstar Blue mixed with Visine
-Physicians Formula Malibu Strip (Darkest brown color)
-Coastal Scents 88 Matte Palette (Bright Yellow B4, Shimmery Blue H6)
-Coastal Scents Glitter in Gold Rush mixed with Visine
-Coastal Scents 88 Matte Palette (Black H11)
-Coastal Scents 66 Lip Palette (Creamy White)
-Maybelline Great Lash Mascara in Black
-Mary Kay Eyeshadow in Hazelnut
-Sephora Nano Lip Liner in Native Nude
-Coastal Scents 66 Lip Palette (Shimmery Gold)
Anyway, the masses have spoken and this is the first video in the Halloween Series 2009. We are starting off with a bang!
This video is an hour's worth of work condensed down into 6 minutes! Yeah...I kinda feel gipped of glory and martyrdom but what can ya do? How about you guys just leave me wonderful comments telling me how impressed you are? hahaha.
If you do decide to try this look, it should only realistically take 30 minutes or less. It takes longer when you have to do it on camera, plus I'm including the time it took to straighten and style my hair (I didn't wanna go out and buy a wig). Also, I list down what I used just so you guys have a reference. You do not have to use exactly what I did, use what you have!
Hope you guys like watching!
Focus: Eyes and Accesories (wig, dress, jewelry)
Makeup Used (in order of appearance):
-Clinique Perfectly Real Foundation in #14
-Coastal Scents Pigment in Opan Tan
-Rimmel Soft Eye Kohl in Stormy Gray
-Almay Liquid Liner in Black Pearl
-Coastal Scents Pigment in Black
-Almay Pencil Liner in Black Pearl
-Coastal Scents Pigment in Blackstar Blue mixed with Visine
-Physicians Formula Malibu Strip (Darkest brown color)
-Coastal Scents 88 Matte Palette (Bright Yellow B4, Shimmery Blue H6)
-Coastal Scents Glitter in Gold Rush mixed with Visine
-Coastal Scents 88 Matte Palette (Black H11)
-Coastal Scents 66 Lip Palette (Creamy White)
-Maybelline Great Lash Mascara in Black
-Mary Kay Eyeshadow in Hazelnut
-Sephora Nano Lip Liner in Native Nude
-Coastal Scents 66 Lip Palette (Shimmery Gold)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Someone get me a cold compress...
...cuz it's gettin too DANG HOT up in here!
I'm happy being single...
I like not having a boyfriend...
But DAMN! If anyone looks like this dude, or knows of anyone who looks like this dude, and is over the age of 25 (very very important condition) then please give me a call. PLEASE?
if anyone wants to make a date to see this film in November (not because I am obsessed with Twilight...only to see this guy) then shoot me an email and we'll plan it.
OH, and sorry in advance for the disgusting show of giggly girliness. I swear I'm not like this in real life all the time. I've actually been told I'm quite the epitome of cool, calm, and collected.
That said,
OMG, *giggly giggle* Hottie!!!
I'm happy being single...
I like not having a boyfriend...
But DAMN! If anyone looks like this dude, or knows of anyone who looks like this dude, and is over the age of 25 (very very important condition) then please give me a call. PLEASE?
if anyone wants to make a date to see this film in November (not because I am obsessed with Twilight...only to see this guy) then shoot me an email and we'll plan it.
OH, and sorry in advance for the disgusting show of giggly girliness. I swear I'm not like this in real life all the time. I've actually been told I'm quite the epitome of cool, calm, and collected.
That said,
OMG, *giggly giggle* Hottie!!!
Guys that give me goose pimples.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Can I see a show of hands?? (aka. Halloween is almost upon us)
Just wondering if any of my followers on this blog would be interested in seeing my Halloween Series this year?
The videos (or pics...as some of the looks take a while and would be too long on video) will definitely be posted on my YouTube channel and my beauty blog, but will not be posted here nor linked here unless I have people who would like to see them on this page.
Some of the looks that have already been requested or are already planned:
-Egyptian Queen
-70's Hippie
-50's Pin-Up (Navy Pin-Up, Army Pin-Up, etc.)
-Football Fan (Seahawks look, Football colors etc.)
-Japanese School Girl
...ok, here's a caveat for this one. This will be a look for "school girl", "anime", "Chun-Li" <--be proud, I didn't even have to ask who the hell Chun-Li is. I will agree to do this look as it was requested an un-godly amount of times BUT... you must promise me to never, ever, ever, ever, EVER make me have to look up the words "japanese schoolgirl" on Google EVER AGAIN! And to promise me to never, ever, ever, EVER make me have to do the slutty anime look EVER AGAIN! Promise????
-Dead Girl (cute dead look, zombie, vampire, sexy vampire, etc.)
-Fairy (pretty fairy, sexy fairy, etc.)
-20's Silent Film actress/Flapper Girl
-Indian (East Indian, Bollywood, etc.)
-Geisha (Japanese Geisha, Madame Butterfly, Japanese Opera)
I will try to get to as many of these as possible, time and materials/makeup permitting. If you would like to request one, please do and I will try my hardest to fulfill.
Thanks and have a great day!
The videos (or pics...as some of the looks take a while and would be too long on video) will definitely be posted on my YouTube channel and my beauty blog, but will not be posted here nor linked here unless I have people who would like to see them on this page.
Some of the looks that have already been requested or are already planned:
-Egyptian Queen
-70's Hippie
-50's Pin-Up (Navy Pin-Up, Army Pin-Up, etc.)
-Football Fan (Seahawks look, Football colors etc.)
-Japanese School Girl
...ok, here's a caveat for this one. This will be a look for "school girl", "anime", "Chun-Li" <--be proud, I didn't even have to ask who the hell Chun-Li is. I will agree to do this look as it was requested an un-godly amount of times BUT... you must promise me to never, ever, ever, ever, EVER make me have to look up the words "japanese schoolgirl" on Google EVER AGAIN! And to promise me to never, ever, ever, EVER make me have to do the slutty anime look EVER AGAIN! Promise????
-Dead Girl (cute dead look, zombie, vampire, sexy vampire, etc.)
-Fairy (pretty fairy, sexy fairy, etc.)
-20's Silent Film actress/Flapper Girl
-Indian (East Indian, Bollywood, etc.)
-Geisha (Japanese Geisha, Madame Butterfly, Japanese Opera)
I will try to get to as many of these as possible, time and materials/makeup permitting. If you would like to request one, please do and I will try my hardest to fulfill.
Thanks and have a great day!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
20 Questions Tag (Raw and Almost Completely UNEDITED)
Why is it raw? Because I filmed it on the fly, unprepared...just as something to do.
Why is it almost completely unedited? My movie editing software apparently got corrupted during editing and some of the nifty functions like fading and adding titles are all messed up and funkified... I did manage to cut pieces in the first 5 minutes before it finally gave up completely. I have to figure out how to fix it. Oh well... Sorry for the messy editing and the long long length in advance!
20 Questions:
1) What can you not leave the house without?
2) Favorite brand of makeup
3) Favorite flower
4) Favorite clothing store
5) Favorite perfume
6) Heels or Flats
7) What were your grades like in school?
8) Do you drink energy drinks?
9) Do you like swimming?
10) Do you like juice?
11) Do you eat french fries with a fork?
12) Favorite moisturizer
13) Will you get married or are you?
14) How old are you?
15) Are you into ghost hunting?
16) Any phobias?
17) Do you bite your nails?
18) Do you drink coffee?
19) Describe an animal that describes your soulmate
20) Last concert that you attended?
...what the hell?? I didn't even realize there were more than 20 questions!!! What a rip off!!
21) Next concert you will attend?
22) Random thing on your desk
...no wonder this video took so long!
23) Favorite movies
24) Book you're currently reading
25) Favorite lipsticks
...next time I'm gonna count and prepare my answers before I start filming dangit!
26) Favorite piece of art in your room
27) Favorite jewelry
28) Favorite YouTube channels and/or Videos
...and it had the nerve to end on a random number...GEEZ! :(
I tag: Cora and Scope (aka CoraScope), Skyler's Dad, Nerick and all my lovely YouTube subbies and Blogger Buddies (mwahahahah...see what I did there? Sneaky sneaky!)
Post your response to this one as a video response or link to your blog in my comments cuz I wanna see your videos and read your answers!
Why is it almost completely unedited? My movie editing software apparently got corrupted during editing and some of the nifty functions like fading and adding titles are all messed up and funkified... I did manage to cut pieces in the first 5 minutes before it finally gave up completely. I have to figure out how to fix it. Oh well... Sorry for the messy editing and the long long length in advance!
20 Questions:
1) What can you not leave the house without?
2) Favorite brand of makeup
3) Favorite flower
4) Favorite clothing store
5) Favorite perfume
6) Heels or Flats
7) What were your grades like in school?
8) Do you drink energy drinks?
9) Do you like swimming?
10) Do you like juice?
11) Do you eat french fries with a fork?
12) Favorite moisturizer
13) Will you get married or are you?
14) How old are you?
15) Are you into ghost hunting?
16) Any phobias?
17) Do you bite your nails?
18) Do you drink coffee?
19) Describe an animal that describes your soulmate
20) Last concert that you attended?
...what the hell?? I didn't even realize there were more than 20 questions!!! What a rip off!!
21) Next concert you will attend?
22) Random thing on your desk
...no wonder this video took so long!
23) Favorite movies
24) Book you're currently reading
25) Favorite lipsticks
...next time I'm gonna count and prepare my answers before I start filming dangit!
26) Favorite piece of art in your room
27) Favorite jewelry
28) Favorite YouTube channels and/or Videos
...and it had the nerve to end on a random number...GEEZ! :(
I tag: Cora and Scope (aka CoraScope), Skyler's Dad, Nerick and all my lovely YouTube subbies and Blogger Buddies (mwahahahah...see what I did there? Sneaky sneaky!)
Post your response to this one as a video response or link to your blog in my comments cuz I wanna see your videos and read your answers!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
and "Football Related Post" season is now underway...
As some of you can probably tell by the recent influx of blog posts/blog comments on your lovely little spaces...I'm back! :)
Due to being unemployed (kinda) I find myself with a hefty amount of time on my hands and decided to use the aforementioned time to do some very constructive things like:
-Read and comment on blogs (and yes people, I read everyone's blogs a couple days ago...at least the most recent or two posts...I just didn't feel my wit-factor was up to par yet to leave comments on everyone's posts. But give me time...)
-Stare off into space and/or try to find pictures and shapes in my bedroom carpet.
-Bug the little bro-han into going to the gym with me. And if the bugging doesn't work, pretend to be a good sister and pick him up from school in the guise of driving him home but instead kidnap him and surprise him with a field trip...to the gym.
-Text message the premier bro-han 20 times randomly per day. "whatcha doin?"..."whatcha doin now?"..."how bout now?" until he threatens to fly back to Seattle just to chuck my cellphone into the nearest lake at which point I heartily text him back "I WUV U! *smooch*"
-Videotape...or I guess Video-memorycard myself doing all sorts of fun and wicked things like "talk" and "put makeup on" and "go on vacation" and then post these naughty vids on YouTube.
-Put myself on a 30 day workout and diet program (again) so I can lose the 10 pounds I put on in the last 3 months (again) and promptly want to kill myself when my mother bakes triple chocolate brownies (with walnuts) the first day and I had to eat grapes instead.
-and last but not least... get ready for FOOTBALL SEASON and FANTASY FOOTBALL! Woohoo!
...by the way, this is the section of this post where people who don't give a rat's ass about football can go ahead and leave a comment and be on your way...
NOW then,
My league draft was a couple weeks ago and tonight I finished trading out players and picking up free agents and the like in preparation for the regular season which starts next week. Thursday is Kick-Off and I've got my beer helmet, officially licensed football jerseys, and mondo-bag-o-nuts and chips all set and ready to go.
Red (from Words Words Words) has been kind enough to "try" and "help" me with my draft this year and I now proudly show you my haul...uhm...I mean my team. Keep in mind (no, really! keep this in mind when leaving your comments about how I should have picked up so and so and why the hell don't I trade this dude for that one) that my draft was automated and I've been tweaking it around the last few days. I think I made off pretty well don't you?
My starters for next week's games:
QB: E. Manning
RB: M. Barber and F. Jones
WR: N. Burleson, S. Moss, C. Ochocinco
TE: T. Gonzales
K: N. Rackers
DST: NY Giants
QB: M. Hasselback
RB: E. James and L. Washington
WR: M. Muhammad
TE: M. Lewis
P.S. to all the nay-sayers out there who told me the Seahawks are gonna choke again this year, might I point out that they had an undefeated pre-season? And yes, I know the pre-season doesn't really count but give a girl a break to dote on her favorite team um-kay?!?!
Due to being unemployed (kinda) I find myself with a hefty amount of time on my hands and decided to use the aforementioned time to do some very constructive things like:
-Read and comment on blogs (and yes people, I read everyone's blogs a couple days ago...at least the most recent or two posts...I just didn't feel my wit-factor was up to par yet to leave comments on everyone's posts. But give me time...)
-Stare off into space and/or try to find pictures and shapes in my bedroom carpet.
-Bug the little bro-han into going to the gym with me. And if the bugging doesn't work, pretend to be a good sister and pick him up from school in the guise of driving him home but instead kidnap him and surprise him with a field trip...to the gym.
-Text message the premier bro-han 20 times randomly per day. "whatcha doin?"..."whatcha doin now?"..."how bout now?" until he threatens to fly back to Seattle just to chuck my cellphone into the nearest lake at which point I heartily text him back "I WUV U! *smooch*"
-Videotape...or I guess Video-memorycard myself doing all sorts of fun and wicked things like "talk" and "put makeup on" and "go on vacation" and then post these naughty vids on YouTube.
-Put myself on a 30 day workout and diet program (again) so I can lose the 10 pounds I put on in the last 3 months (again) and promptly want to kill myself when my mother bakes triple chocolate brownies (with walnuts) the first day and I had to eat grapes instead.
-and last but not least... get ready for FOOTBALL SEASON and FANTASY FOOTBALL! Woohoo!
...by the way, this is the section of this post where people who don't give a rat's ass about football can go ahead and leave a comment and be on your way...
NOW then,
My league draft was a couple weeks ago and tonight I finished trading out players and picking up free agents and the like in preparation for the regular season which starts next week. Thursday is Kick-Off and I've got my beer helmet, officially licensed football jerseys, and mondo-bag-o-nuts and chips all set and ready to go.
Red (from Words Words Words) has been kind enough to "try" and "help" me with my draft this year and I now proudly show you my haul...uhm...I mean my team. Keep in mind (no, really! keep this in mind when leaving your comments about how I should have picked up so and so and why the hell don't I trade this dude for that one) that my draft was automated and I've been tweaking it around the last few days. I think I made off pretty well don't you?
My starters for next week's games:
QB: E. Manning
RB: M. Barber and F. Jones
WR: N. Burleson, S. Moss, C. Ochocinco
TE: T. Gonzales
K: N. Rackers
DST: NY Giants
QB: M. Hasselback
RB: E. James and L. Washington
WR: M. Muhammad
TE: M. Lewis
P.S. to all the nay-sayers out there who told me the Seahawks are gonna choke again this year, might I point out that they had an undefeated pre-season? And yes, I know the pre-season doesn't really count but give a girl a break to dote on her favorite team um-kay?!?!
and more Football...,
le Bro-hans
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Super Scandalous thoughts...
Ok, well maybe not super scandalous...but I know that some of my readers will not like what I'll have to say very much. If you have an oppinion, please leave me a comment! Even if you're a lurker who never ever ever comments! Leave your two cents worth for the world (or the 40 or so people who read my blog and watch my YouTube channel) to see!
Please don't hate... this is my own personal opinion and I know a LOT of makeup artists/makeup gurus/parents/friends who all agree with me on this one. That being said, don't let anyone tell you what to do, not even me! If you want to wear makeup to school because that will make you feel better then by all means DO IT! :) But remember to focus on other stuff too and not just how you look.
My Makeup:
Concealer -- Clinique Perfectly Real Makeup in #14
Bare Escentuals Mineral Foundation in Medium Beige
Urban Decay Primer Potion
Lid -- Lancolm Eyeshadow in Latte
Top Lashline -- Rimmel Soft Kohl Eyepencil in Stormy Gray
Waterline -- Sephora Nano Liners in Glitter Black
Loreal Voluminous Mascara in Black
Cheeks and Lips
Physicians Formula Bronzer in Malibu Strip
Maybelline Lipstick in Praline (discontinued)
NYX Lipgloss in Sweetheart
Back to School Looks:
Kandee Johnson
Makeup By Risa
Makeup Geek TV
Queen of Blending MUA
Please don't hate... this is my own personal opinion and I know a LOT of makeup artists/makeup gurus/parents/friends who all agree with me on this one. That being said, don't let anyone tell you what to do, not even me! If you want to wear makeup to school because that will make you feel better then by all means DO IT! :) But remember to focus on other stuff too and not just how you look.
My Makeup:
Concealer -- Clinique Perfectly Real Makeup in #14
Bare Escentuals Mineral Foundation in Medium Beige
Urban Decay Primer Potion
Lid -- Lancolm Eyeshadow in Latte
Top Lashline -- Rimmel Soft Kohl Eyepencil in Stormy Gray
Waterline -- Sephora Nano Liners in Glitter Black
Loreal Voluminous Mascara in Black
Cheeks and Lips
Physicians Formula Bronzer in Malibu Strip
Maybelline Lipstick in Praline (discontinued)
NYX Lipgloss in Sweetheart
Back to School Looks:
Kandee Johnson
Makeup By Risa
Makeup Geek TV
Queen of Blending MUA
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