P.S. Logmein.com is blocked on my lab servers...so I guess Im back to erratic blog reading and posting and even less constant commenting. BUT I am reading your blogs people!!! So keep them coming and keep me entertained! Me loves you looong time!!!!
Makeup Look
-Lips: Clinique Almost Lipstick in Black Honey, Almay gloss in #20
-Eyes: Sephora eyepencil in Purple Onyx, Mary Kay Eyeshadow in Hazelnut, Covergirl Eyeshadow in Shimering Sands, Black Mascara
-Cheeks: Clinique Matte Bronze
Since I don't do plumpers, I don't really have many recommendations on what to try. The only ones Ive ever used are Bare Escentuals Buxom Lipgloss. But it worked really really (too) well for me soooo....
Winsor Pilates DVDs INFORMATION at winsorpilates.com
Bun and Thigh
Ab Sculpting
Advanced Body Slimming
Upper Body
Basics and Advanced Body Sculpting
I ordered these dvds like a couple years ago and apparently you can't buy them from that website if you're in the US. Hmmm. You can get them thru ebay and other sites if you just Google it. Or I guess you can find clips and stuff thru YouTube.com and Yeoh.com
I asked my friend about his 20 minute routine and he says it should not be done unless you've got a spotter or trainer with you so he asked me not to list it down. He did say for those of you at home who wants something similar, watch/rent/buy Jillian Michael's 30 day shred videos. In it she does different variations of a 20 minute workout that is similar to the routine he has me do. He stresses to please please please, if possible, schedule at least one session with a certified personal trainer before you start any workout routine. You want to lose weight and be fit...not break something.
As always, please don't forget to subscribe if you're watching this on YouTube, or click the follow button if you're watching thru my blog. All comments, messages, questions, or requests are welcome!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Another Post?!?!?!? WHAAAA???
And this one's a VLOG! Schweet!
Im feeling positively chatty lately I guess...
I got off early from work today so I could go to a workout appointment with a buddy of mine (who is also my personal trainer) and he calls me up 5 minutes before we were to meet telling me he was stuck in traffic and to hang out till he's closer to the gym. THEN he calls me up 45 minutes later telling me that he lied to me before...he wasn't in traffic but in fact being a lazy bum at his house...but that he really is in traffic now.
So I read blogs and recorded a video while I waited for him to haul himself to the gym.
P.S. this is me PRE workout. If you think this is scary wait till you see me POST workout. Not only do I look like the dead, but Im pretty sure I smell like it too.
P.P.S Beware the rambling woman...

Im feeling positively chatty lately I guess...
I got off early from work today so I could go to a workout appointment with a buddy of mine (who is also my personal trainer) and he calls me up 5 minutes before we were to meet telling me he was stuck in traffic and to hang out till he's closer to the gym. THEN he calls me up 45 minutes later telling me that he lied to me before...he wasn't in traffic but in fact being a lazy bum at his house...but that he really is in traffic now.
So I read blogs and recorded a video while I waited for him to haul himself to the gym.
P.S. this is me PRE workout. If you think this is scary wait till you see me POST workout. Not only do I look like the dead, but Im pretty sure I smell like it too.
P.P.S Beware the rambling woman...

Damn those MEMES,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Quick Survey aka. "Can I get some help up in here???"
Situation: No, Im still not back yet...but I need a raise of hands. I have an outdoor wedding to attend on Sunday. Yes, THIS Sunday (just call me the ultimate procrastinator) and I have the dress, I have the shoes, I have the purse. I have the the wedding gift all wrapped and ready to go. However, I can't decide on what makeup look to do.
Don't laugh. This is important to me. Well, not really important. But being indecisive pisses me off. Especially when it's me!
Anyhoo, this is for the girls. And if any of the men want to chime in, then that's fine by me.
Question: If you (I) were wearing a strapless A line dress (empire waist), cream with brown designs on it...would you have a nude eye/red lips combo or brown smokey eyes/nude lips combo?? Anyone?? Anyone??
Also, THANKS to Scope and Cora for emailing me and sending me the posts of their visit last month to my email so I can read them. My lab has blocked blogger off the servers and it sucks ass. Then when I get home Im too tired to do much than take a shower and pass out lately. Blah! I miss reading you guys!! ALL of you! ALLLLLLL OF YOU!!!!! But I have to give special shout outs to JJ, Words, Unbearable Banishment, Dr. Zibbs, Gwen, Fancy...those of you who have emailed me or added me onto Facebook ROCK!!!
Don't laugh. This is important to me. Well, not really important. But being indecisive pisses me off. Especially when it's me!
Anyhoo, this is for the girls. And if any of the men want to chime in, then that's fine by me.
Question: If you (I) were wearing a strapless A line dress (empire waist), cream with brown designs on it...would you have a nude eye/red lips combo or brown smokey eyes/nude lips combo?? Anyone?? Anyone??
Also, THANKS to Scope and Cora for emailing me and sending me the posts of their visit last month to my email so I can read them. My lab has blocked blogger off the servers and it sucks ass. Then when I get home Im too tired to do much than take a shower and pass out lately. Blah! I miss reading you guys!! ALL of you! ALLLLLLL OF YOU!!!!! But I have to give special shout outs to JJ, Words, Unbearable Banishment, Dr. Zibbs, Gwen, Fancy...those of you who have emailed me or added me onto Facebook ROCK!!!
Last but not least, LOOK!! it's only been 5 days since my last post this time!! Woohoo! Im getting better...but still no time to read blogs. Pisses me off! Time flies when you're working 50+ hours a week. Gah!
Where was I? Oh yeah,
Last but not least, I joined a fantasy football league. The draft (Automated) is not till 8/23 so I still have time to ditch and join a different league (if one of you guys have room in yours you still need to fill) so let me know! I haven't ranked my players yet so if you wanna send me advice please email me or leave a comment!
P.S. My team name: Them Filthy MoneyGrubbers
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
RE: APB--Missing Person
I didn't realize it's been almost two weeks since my last post...and almost a month since my last REAL post.
(I don't consider my last video as a post)
(It was a rant plain and simple)
Im here. And aparently my disappearance shelf life is right around 12 days before people (Scope and Words specifically) start to wonder where I'd dissapeared to. In fact, they sent me messages about 2 hours apart from each other. FUNNY!
Anyhoo, I'm here. Been busy (what else is new) with work, work, life, work, family, friends, and oh yeah..work! A few people were laid off at "the lab" and so the rest of us left have been picking up the work and the hours that go along with it. We remodelled and updated plumbing at my house, so we just got water turned back on after a week...gross! I've been going to gym again since my trainer got his walking cast off and I've been too tired and achy to do much after I get home. A friend is getting married in a couple weeks, I've got inventory and end of month meetings coming up. Friend stuff, Life stuff, etc etc etc. And although I have a bunch of posts in reserve for just this occasion, it's a pet peeve of mine when people post things but don't read other people's stuff. I didn't want to seem like I wanted everyone to read my crap but I was too good to read or comment other peoples blogs so I didn't post date any of mine.
I do have a YouTube video I have to do for a friend of mine that I have to find time for this week...even now I'm typing this in Spokane, WA (about 4 hours away from Seattle) where I had to drive to last night for a meeting this morning... I don't even have internet right now so I'll have to wait to post it till I get to somewhere more civilized...*sigh*
I can't promise when Ill be back full force since I don't really know. But in the meantime you can all reach me in my email and I'll definitely respond there.
(because I can read email in my lab...and pretend to be working...)
(and I can read email on my phone...and be sneaky about it...)
Miss reading you all!
(I don't consider my last video as a post)
(It was a rant plain and simple)
Im here. And aparently my disappearance shelf life is right around 12 days before people (Scope and Words specifically) start to wonder where I'd dissapeared to. In fact, they sent me messages about 2 hours apart from each other. FUNNY!
Anyhoo, I'm here. Been busy (what else is new) with work, work, life, work, family, friends, and oh yeah..work! A few people were laid off at "the lab" and so the rest of us left have been picking up the work and the hours that go along with it. We remodelled and updated plumbing at my house, so we just got water turned back on after a week...gross! I've been going to gym again since my trainer got his walking cast off and I've been too tired and achy to do much after I get home. A friend is getting married in a couple weeks, I've got inventory and end of month meetings coming up. Friend stuff, Life stuff, etc etc etc. And although I have a bunch of posts in reserve for just this occasion, it's a pet peeve of mine when people post things but don't read other people's stuff. I didn't want to seem like I wanted everyone to read my crap but I was too good to read or comment other peoples blogs so I didn't post date any of mine.
I do have a YouTube video I have to do for a friend of mine that I have to find time for this week...even now I'm typing this in Spokane, WA (about 4 hours away from Seattle) where I had to drive to last night for a meeting this morning... I don't even have internet right now so I'll have to wait to post it till I get to somewhere more civilized...*sigh*
I can't promise when Ill be back full force since I don't really know. But in the meantime you can all reach me in my email and I'll definitely respond there.
(because I can read email in my lab...and pretend to be working...)
(and I can read email on my phone...and be sneaky about it...)
Miss reading you all!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Thank You!
Ok all, here's the scoop...

I wanted to address all the comments at once because most of you guys don't check the comments after you've left yours and everyone was saying mostly the same thing. In fact the term "don't forget us little people" came up a disturbingly huge number of times!
I don't know what you guys are talking about! Im all of 5ft tall and out of all you folks, Im probably the only one who can be rightly considered "little"and I'm damn well not gonna forget myself!
PLUS, to all of you offering me services to pimp out your blogs...(no not that kind of services! PERVS) I'd pimp all you out no problem! I've got a car that needs washing, laundry, garage that needs to be cleaned, gardening, pet washing, bills to be paid.........
I have no clue how Cosmo found my blog. Judging from the pic of the heading they put up, Id say they checked out my blog during Lent...because I changed my page right after I came back from being good and holy and good and religious and good. AND I was Good...
No, they specifically addressed THIS blog...not my makeup/beauty one although that would make a heck of a lot more sense if they did.
So far I haven't seen my follower numbers go up although I did finally install Analytics. I still don't know how to use it but we will see what happens. To tell you guys the truth I'm sorta glad I haven't had an influx of people checking me out (or so I assume) because I don't want to feel like I have to edit myself on my own blog ya know?? Plus, I feel cozier with 38 friends than 38,000 hahahah.
However, if you are here from the great South African nation, and you may or may not have read an article that may or may not exist then I bid you WELCOME!!!!!!! Please click the follow button and don't leave me worrying about lurkers.
(Im still not fully convinced...sorry Sid, but Scope put the thought in my head that you may just be super fantabulous with the Photoshop and Word!...did your head explode with frustration yet???)
I want to thank all of you people. My faithful commenters who always take the time out to read me and leave a hello despite their busy busy lives (Sid, Cora, Scope, Unbearable, SkyDad, Words, Dr. Zibbs, Felisa, Girl I, Fancy, Chris, Chris, Sassy, J.J., and God --my top fifteen). My faithfull followers who may not comment all the time or hardly at all, but I still know you guys are out there,
The lurkers who read my blog and never say a word. It's kinda creepy you guys, just click the follow button and get it over with!,
And to the people I read (go visit them!!! NOW...I command you!) ...my lovely blog list of awesomeness that keep me entertained and keep me thinking of new ways to be better than you...no wait, I meant "to better myself"...yeah, that's it.
Booyah! How's that for pimpin you all out?!?!? Uhuh! Mad skills yo!
I also want to thank the Lord above for making me the great and wonderfull person I am today,
Cosmopolitan Magazine--South Africa for having the good taste to check me out,
All the little people: vern, sneezy, droopy, winky, sleepy, stinky, widget, and doc,
and last but not least...Swine Flu.
Swine flu? Oh yeah. You don't think I haven't noticed that all this hullabaloo started after I kissed this dude???
Coincidence? I think not!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Before you read on, please keep in mind Im not usually so slow witted. It's just when someone emails you at midnight with this kind of news...from a magazine light years (and two weeks...according to the United States Postal system apparently) away, you tend to get a bit slow on the uptake.
Conversation with Sid from Verbal Diorhhea (link on my sidebar or just click on her name on the first line).
Sid: Hey! So I was reading this month's Cosmo magazine (the South African version) and guess who's blog got an honourable mention. Congrats chickie. Wish that I had the article with me to place onto my blog. Maybe tomorrow?
~E: Im so confused? What blog? Your blog got honorable mention? Congratulations!!!!!
Sid: No. Your blog was mentioned. Your e-deconstructed blog was mentioned in Cosmo magazine.
~E: Huh? Ok, Im so confused. How the hell was my blog mentioned in a magazine? You're making it up right? Like as a weird way of giving me a bloggy award or something?
Sid: No I'm serious. I'll bring the article in tomorrow morning, scan it and show it to you. Your blog was mentioned. I don't know how they found your blog but them mentioned the post where you showed everyone what you carry around in your handbag
~E: NO SHIT?!?! Wow. Please please please scan the article...I want to see it.
Sid: Will do.
Ok, Sid. If this is a set up for what I anticipate to be a really seriously satisfying joke, I'm still waiting for the punchline! Guess, we will see.
Conversation with Sid from Verbal Diorhhea (link on my sidebar or just click on her name on the first line).
Sid: Hey! So I was reading this month's Cosmo magazine (the South African version) and guess who's blog got an honourable mention. Congrats chickie. Wish that I had the article with me to place onto my blog. Maybe tomorrow?
~E: Im so confused? What blog? Your blog got honorable mention? Congratulations!!!!!
Sid: No. Your blog was mentioned. Your e-deconstructed blog was mentioned in Cosmo magazine.
~E: Huh? Ok, Im so confused. How the hell was my blog mentioned in a magazine? You're making it up right? Like as a weird way of giving me a bloggy award or something?
Sid: No I'm serious. I'll bring the article in tomorrow morning, scan it and show it to you. Your blog was mentioned. I don't know how they found your blog but them mentioned the post where you showed everyone what you carry around in your handbag
~E: NO SHIT?!?! Wow. Please please please scan the article...I want to see it.
Sid: Will do.
Ok, Sid. If this is a set up for what I anticipate to be a really seriously satisfying joke, I'm still waiting for the punchline! Guess, we will see.
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